Event Phone: (919) 619-0045
- March 3, 2017 - March 5, 2017
5:00 pm
**Register by Jan. 15 for discounted pricing ($225), $250 after Jan. 15. If making a non-refundable deposit, balance will be due by Feb. 28.
Dinner available Friday for $10. Dinner Saturday and Sunday included in registration cost!
Where else can you learn the literal ins-and-outs of a horse in a weekend? From the brain to the stomach, the trigeminal nerve to the hind gut, you’ll delve into evidence-based best practices for your horse.
Evidence-Based Horsemanship co-author Dr. Stephen Peters will be our headliner for the weekend. As a neuropsychologist and horseman, he’ll change the way you approach your horse. He’ll even lead a horse brain dissection!
Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn about equine nutrition from Dr. Joyce Harman, world renown holistic and integrative veterinaraian, on Saturday. Sunday, a veterinarian from the N.C. State Vet School will talk parasite control and will teach participants how to conduct their own fecal tests!
Friday, March 3, 5 p.m.: FREE teaser session with Dr. Stephen Peters, co-author of Evidence-Based Horsemanship. Welcome session with booklet handout, Meet & Greet, PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Peters and discussion. Dinner will be served ($10).
Saturday, March 4:
9 a.m.-2 p.m.: GET TO KNOW YOUR HORSE’S BRAIN: Dr. Peters will lecture about horse brain structure and development, neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, horse behavior as it relates to brain function, and how to apply that knowledge to proper training and management practices.
3-5 p.m.: NUTRITION: Dr. Joyce Harman, world renown holistic and integrative veterinarian, will talk nutrition. From forages to feeds, probiotics to supplements, Dr. Harman will talk about what your horse really needs and what he can deal without.
Sunday, March 5:
9 a.m.-2 p.m.: GET TO KNOW YOUR HORSE’S BRAIN: Dr. Peters will continue his discussion about about the horse brain and lead a dissection.
3-5 p.m.: A veterinarian from the N.C. State Vet School will talk parasites, control and will teach participants how to conduct their own fecal tests.
Venue: Silk Hope Community Building
Venue Website: http://www.silkhopenc.org/facility-rental.html